A ruby treasure waiting for you:



The product

Blood oranges, born in the mild climate of Sicily’s winters and ripened under its gentle sun, are capable of dazzling senses with their aroma which combine sweetness and tartness. Blood orange is cultivated in the western part of the island, between the provinces of Catania, Enna and Syracuse, in the area around the Volcano Etna. The nature of the land, the climate, the great temperature range and the sun, make this product unique and high quality. 

Let's find your favorite one....

The 3 Varieties



The Tarocco is one of the leading examples of red orange. Pigmentation more or less pro¬nounced, depends mostly on the degree of maturation of citrus. Temperature changes favor this process, due to the appearance of snow on Etna, its pig¬mentation usually begins in late December and intensifies with each passing day. It is the most appreciated orange of Sicily in Italy and abroad. It begins in mid-December and ends, in the late areas, around mid-May.


Native to the area of Lentini and now widespread in the areas of Catania and Siracusa, this orange is the first to ripen among the red oranges: it is possible to taste it from early December to mid-March. It is of medium weight with a shape between the spherical and the ovoid; the peel is orange with vinous red hues; the pulp, without seeds, is entirely dark red, especially when ripe. The color of the juice is sanguine due to the presence of anthocyanins (natural pigments) in the pulp and in the peel.


The Sanguinello variety has been present for a long time in the orange areas of the provinces of Catania and Siracusa. Together with Sanguinello Moscato, it is the most important Italian cultivar of medium season: in fact the ripening begins in February but the bulk of the harvest takes place between March and April. The fruits are of medium size with oblong or spherical shape; the peel is an intense orange color with red hues. The pulp, seedless or almost, is orange with numerous streaks of blood, very juicy and of excellent taste.


Blood Orange of Sicily IGP is rich in helpful nutrients for your health.

It contains 40% of Vitamin C, which is commonly linked to good blood flow and better healing of injuries; Vitamin B, essential for a healthy heart; and more than 7% of the daily recommended amount of daily potassium, helpful for the fluids balance in our body.
Oranges contain a water-soluble fibre called Pectin, which is able to reduce the cholesterol level in the blood. That’s why people who eat fruit on a day to day basis are less likely to incur heart issues.
Do you know why blood oranges are red? Due to the weather conditions in which they are cultivated, they get their peculiar red pigment. It is a sign of the presence of the Anthocyanin, natural pigment highly effective as anti-oxidants, which can protect your skin from the aging action of free radicals.
For all these reasons, Blood Oranges from Sicily are preferable than common oranges. You can help your body wellness while drinking a fresh and tasty blood orange juice… sounds good, right?

When can I eat PGI Blood Orange ?

Schedule of production




Per gustare al meglio le Arance Rosse



Le Arance Rosse di Sicilia IGP sono perfette per la realizzazione di tante gustose ricette! 

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