Vitamine Bombs ready to blow up:



The product

These oranges belong to the navel category, that means that they have another small fruit growing in it. This small part is not always visible from the outside. This kind of oranges are big size, spherical and slightly stretched. Their skin has an intense yellowish orange colour, sometimes reddish, with a medium thickness. The flesh is tasty and sweet; it is a quite juicy orange, completely seedless. The ripeness is good between the end of October and early November.

The small and vibrant fruits with an unmistakable smell, more intense than oranges. The flesh, sweet and aromatic, separates easily from the skin. Some of the most common varieties in Sicily are Avana, and Paternò. Mandarins are known for their considerable content of vitamin A, selenium, and also vitamins B and C, proteins and Magnesium.


This is the most cultivated variety of citrus in the world, widespread also in Italy. It has a spherical shape, his skin is orange and has a medium thickness. It is a blonde orange, with a yellowish and juicy flesh, and does not contain seeds. This variety ripen later than others: the harvesting begins in April, but can continue until June.

This is an hybrid variety, made from Monreal Clementines and Tarocco blood orange. The skin has an intense orange colour, sometimes with the presence of the reddish pigments of Anthocyanins, that has a soft consistence fitted to the flesh. This last, could also have red pigments inside.




Citrus fruits are precious allies of our health, excellent for strengthening immune defences and fighting numerous ailments, but also to protect teeth, bones and skin. Vitamin C is the most abundant in citrus, excellent for strengthening the immune system. It can act as a natural antihistamine, helps iron assimilation and positively affect collagen production. Vitamin A, present in abundance in Mandarin, is an ally of the skin and improves resistance to infections, also acting on the digestive tract and eyesight. In addition, citrus fruits contain folic acid, which helps cell renewal; selenium, natural antioxidant and stimulant for the immune system; calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which keep healthy bones and teeth.

When you can eat our citrus

Schedule of Production




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