From the rich soil of the Volcano Etna, a unique fruit for you:



The product 

A variety of pear found in Sicily is called "Coscia dell’Etna".

The name refers to the area where it is most widely grown: Mount Etna. The best pedoclimatic conditions for the cultivation of this variety are found on the volcano’s slopes and they allow it to express its organoleptic characteristics to the fullest.

The specific areas that have proven to be best for a superior quality fruit are located in the countryside of the towns of Maniace, Bronte and Carcaci, all in the north-western area of the province of Catania.

The fruit has a calebassiform shape, that is to say the part with the widest diameter is shifted towards the base, and a bright green colour often with red speckles (in the part exposed to sunlight).

The pulp has a lightly granular texture with a delicate and sweet taste.




From a nutritional viewpoint, this pear is a symphony of nutrients.
It is rich in natural and simple sugars and especially fructose, but low in calories. For this reason it is also recom¬mended for diabetics and all those who want to keep an eye on calories without giving up to the fruit’s sweet taste.
It is rich in fibres and vitamin C. Another mineral that can be found is potassium.

When can I eat coscia pears from Etna

Schedule of Production




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