Sicilian Excellence


We at O.P. LA DELIZIOSA value the products of excellence of Sicily, with preference for PGI and PDO products, grown according to strict specifications to protect producers and the territory.
For each product you will find information on properties, curiosities, seasonality and recipes.
Discover them all:
Prickly Pear

Prickly Pear

Blood Orange

Blood Orange



Coscia Pears

Coscia Pears







Certifications of O.P. La Deliziosa
Quality certifications are essential: choose manufacturers and products from controlled supply chains that meet the highest standards in terms of safety and quality.

Why do we also attach great importance to PGI and PDO certifications?

Because they allow to protect the products of a territory and enhance the uniqueness and biodiversity of the excellence of the Italian fruit and vegetable and food panorama.

  • Brand 1a
  • Global Gap
  • Grasp
  • Brand 3a
  • Ifs
  • Biologico
  • Ficodindia Etna DOP
  • Arancia Rossa IGP
  • Pesca Leonforte IGP
  • Pesca Bivona IGP
  • Pomodoro Pachino IGP
  • Limone Siracusa IGP

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